Week 5 Of My Art Studies: Drawing Clothing
This week I did a study on clothing. I wanted to see the way that fabric naturally falls and to create more depth in my drawings or paintings. I also wanted to try to have a bit of variety with the look of different fabrics and clothing. I looked up pictures of people on the internet and what they were wearing and how the fabric fell. I also chose to focus on a screenshot of Anne and Gilbert (characters from Anne of Green Gables) from an older movie (the 1985 adaptation).
I thought that this scene looked cute and the clothes they wore were interesting. You can see my process in the video below. You will also see the other sketches I drew that week.
Draw With Me ✏ Anne and Gilbert | Week 5 of Improving My Art Skills
What I liked:
I enjoyed creating the shadows of the folds of the garments and recreating some of the patterns of the different textiles. I also enjoyed the fact that it made the sketches more believable because of this added detail.
What I Didn’t Like:
Some of the outfits were harder to sketch than others. Also, at times, adding more shadows made the drawing look strange even though the folds were accurate according to the pictures. So, I learned that less can be more in some cases.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed putting this into practice and will return to this in the future. Have you gotten to try this exercise yet? Let me know.